Corporate Business Entities
Warren Sinclair LLP has incorporated, and acts as the registered office for, a significant number of corporate clients covering a very wide spectrum of business activities and ventures including, agriculture, construction, consulting, energy production and services, land development, manufacturing, and professional services.
To assist with the business and tax objectives of our business clients and as appropriate, our firm advises and implements on behalf of our corporate clients, a wide array of corporate transactions including, amalgamations, dissolutions, holding corporation structures, estate freezes and other business succession structures, and unanimous shareholders agreements. We also provide routine legal services for our corporate clients, including filing the necessary documents and preparing corporate resolutions to keep their corporations current and in good standing with corporate registries.
Other Business Entities
The use of other business entities and relationships are advantageous in many commercial settings. Warren Sinclair LLP has advised on and structured on behalf of our business clients, other business structures and relationships, including the formation and use of general partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, and business trust relationships.
Commercial Transactions
In furtherance of the business objectives of our corporate clients, Warren Sinclair LLP provides practical, high value legal advice to our business clients, including assessing, evaluating and maintaining their business organization and tax structures. Our lawyers advise and prepare documentation for contracts, agreements and business financing transactions, and assistance on a wide spectrum of business issues including business acquisitions and sales, successions and expansions.
Bench Strength Advantage
Corporate & Commercial transactions may engage other legal disciplines including intellectual property, employment, real estate, and tax law & tax planning practice areas. Warren Sinclair LLP stands alone in Central Alberta as the business law firm which has assembled a legal team with the breadth and depth in all of these key discipline areas focused on leading to a successful corporate & commercial transactions for our clients.
Our Lawyers in this Area:
Barry Hamilton
Chris Warren
Bud Melnyk
Rhonda Elder
Ian Milne
Paul Rattan
Michael Sinclair
Kelsey Lavery
Kane Gellert
Joe Rattan
John Sinclair
Monica Niederle
Natalie Warren
Dallin Higham